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Our Christmas truck has arrived, cleared customs and successfully been unloaded. Our good friend and partner Ilia Vintu is very poorly and in hospital awaiting surgery therefore unable to do his usual magic distributing everything for Christmas. We are indebted to Vitalie, Ilia’s son for taking on this task. It is obviously a very difficult time for him, indeed for all the family.

This is just one of the very happy faces in Ukraine having received wood for the fire. With the widespread lack of power the bitter winter temperatures are a real threat to health and indeed to life.
Many families have moved in together in an effort to keep warm. We endeavour to help vulnerable families and communities. Imagine how you would feel with the threat of freezing and then having the comforting and reassuring feeling when wood arrives to keep you and your family warm.
In addition, we deliver food and other aid. Life in Ukraine is very difficult, not only the dangers of war but also the lack of work opportunities with so many factories and offices now closed.
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