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Financial Support

Since 1990 we have managed to achieve so much thanks to our generous financial supporters. As a voluntary charity we rely on this and would welcome your help.

Many support regularly, mainly monthly by Standing Order whilst others help as and when they can.

Different ways to help financially

As a registered UK charity Gift Aid is available and a valuable benefit to our charity as it allows us to reclaim tax on your donation having the effect of boosting it by a further 25%.

If you are a Tax Payer on your income, (taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify), you may wish to complete a Gift Aid Form. (These are included in the Standing Order Forms or available separately).

We are very happy to receive donations by cheque or by direct transfer to our charity account. The details are::

                                                                             BankSort Code 20-30-47   (Barclays)

                                                                             Account: Christian Response. 

                                                                             Account Number 20902446


Tel: 01626 891945

Registered Charity Number 1062623


Braida Garth, Staplake lane,

Starcross. EX6 8QT 

© 2022  Hugh Scudder

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