Correspondence address:-
cr2ee, Braida Garth, Staplake Lane, Starcross. EX6 8QT
Tel. 01626 891945 or 07970 204506
2024 has been a very busy year for all our volunteers and they deserve a break over Christmas and the New Year celebrations.
It is amazing how every donation adds up. The articulated lorry take a huge amount, especially as we always fill them to the roof. Every bag of good quality bedding and clothing adds up, every item of medical aid, every bed, every wheelchair adds up to a full lorry.
In addition to the humanitarian aid lorries, we have sent money to both Ukraine and Moldova, we do this every month to support our soup kitchens, families, medical projects and education.
Our Christmas lorry left in early December and the next one for Ukraine should be at the end of January followed by another to Moldova in late February, a very busy start to the year.
Our wonderful team of volunteers who help at our store in Exmouth deserve a break therefore we will not be open for donations of humanitarian aid until the first Wednesday of February.
We would like to thank everyone who makes our charity so successful in helping those in Moldova and Ukraine. We would like to wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and a new year filled with joy and love.
Our Store will be closed until the First Wednesday in February
Many could not wait until Christmas Day
On the last trucks to Moldova and Ukraine we sent over 6,000 Christmas boxes as well as much needed humanitarian aid, many tonnes of it.
We have a few photos of just some of the boxes being opened by those who just could not wait until Christmas day.
Apologies as this video is over seven minutes long!
The past few years, have been particularly busy, especially after the start of the war in Ukraine. We have doubled the effort and increased all support hugely. This has only been possible through the fantastic support we have received, and the hard work done by our volunteers in Exmouth.
We would like to wish all our helpers and supporters the most wonderful and blessed Christmas and a healthy and happy New year.

Our Store in Exmouth from February will be open
on the First Wednesday of the month 10:00am until 3:00pm
and the Third Saturday of the month 10:00am until 1:00pm

The Things We Need
In addition to financial support we take articulated trucks to Ukraine and Moldova.
Those we seek to help are lovely people in a very difficult situation. We always try to find ways to help whilst retaining their dignity. It is not nice to be poor on in need. We respect and admire the way they cope with their situation.
The only things we take are really good quality used clothing, bedding etc. They deserve the best we can give.
In addition we take some medical equipment and supplies, especially needed are aid for the disabled.
At the moment we are desperate for generators, Power Stations, medical supplies and so much more for Ukraine.